Help you locate new investment targets in Japan

Mount Fuji International Development Company is located at Fuji Five Lakes area at the base of Fujiyama or Mount Fuji, the sacred mountain of Japan and a paradise on earth. The company that overlooks the beautiful view of the highest mountain of Japan focuses on developing largely undeveloped lands at the vicinity of Fujiyama. We want to show you that the future of placing investment in Japan should not be limited to metropolitan cities only but can be expanded to the mountainous and rural areas of Japan.


Mount Fuji International Development Company was founded by a group of investors and entrepreneurs that have long being observing Japan\'s real estate business and economic developments.
The company has rich experience in land development, old house renovations, promoting local farmers’ agricultural products and combining such promotion campaign with outdoor camping activities.
In doing so, the company is providing new investment target options to potential investors and to those who are interested in tourism and travels in Japan. Such investments will also help to promote local agricultural products and increase public exposure.

Company Profile


With the help of our team that has come up with new investment proposals, placing investment in Japan is now easily accessible and not as complicated as you think.
We are offering proposals such as renovating old houses and turn them into B&B hotels.
Or you can invest in the purchase of giant transparent bubble tents that are just becoming available in Asian market.
You can also invest in leisure and tourism businesses that are being designed based on local agricultural and livestock sector.




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